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6. Economic and Community Development

How do I imagine this as part of my vison for UW Libraries? 


There are several avenues of service.



A. Continue to support of the network of community colleges throughout the state of Wyoming, and look for opportunites for even greater collaboration. 















B.  Maintain and deepen our partnership with the State Library


          * Explore ways intentionally to provide resources promoting economic and

          community development


          At this point, Im not sure what this could mean, but as an example, when I was a

          librarian with a public library system in Alberta, I regularly met with public librarians

          throughout parts of the province. I always encouraged them to connect with their local

          town councils, meet with them, attend council meetings, and provide members with

          information, even if they don't ask for it.  Honestly, I'm not sure how successful I was in 

          fostering this relationship, but my point is that this always was a priority for me. The

          mission of a State Library is important to me, and would like to know how I could

          support it. 



C. Foster and expand collaboration with the National and State Parks Services.


          I know there are many important collaborations already operative with these

          organizations.  I would be very interested to find out more about them and probe      

          opportunities for even great partnerships.   


                   (Like just about everyone else in America, I love the state and national parks --

                    but hopefully not to death, as suggested by Ken Burns!)





D. In talking about economic and community development, however, I cannot help but think    

     this also applies to the library and its development. And this includes fund-raising,  

     perhaps the heart of library development.



                 The scope of this includes:


                  i.   Expanding library endowments

                  ii.  Planned giving

                  iii. Inviting other types of gifts to the library  -- funds, and in-kind.


               It might sound odd since many folks shy away from fund-raising, thinking it is some

               kind of "rubber chicken circuit."


                But I have to say, meeting donors, exploring their gifting options, and

                establishing meaningful relationships with them has been one of the most enjoyable

                aspects of my job as a Library Dean or Director.


                This was true at Regent College in Vancouver and at Regis University in Denver.

                Sadly, I don't have quite the same opportunites at Collorado College since the major

                 building program currently underway at CC is mainly after 7-figure donations

                 and this is managed solely by the President's Office....


                 .... But I welcome such opportunities. 



Returning again to the Mission of the University, it states, "We serve as a state-wide resource for ... economic and community development." 

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