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A.  Mission and Vision: Key Drivers in my Career


Mission and Vision have always been fundamentally important in library development at the various

institutions I have served over the years, and they have driven

our accomplishments that we have achieved together.   













Burke Library of Columbia University

                                            *  Served in the early 90s as Assistant Head of Technical Services

                                             * Learned the dynamics of library administration

                                             * One key responsibility was to create discovery data for one of the

                                                great theological research libraries of the world.













Alison Library, Regent College of the University of British Columbia

                                              * Served 8 years, from 1993 to 2001, as Library Director of a graduate school

                                                    at one of the great research Universities of  Canada, the second largest in the nation.

                                               *  Our library led the technological advance of the College as it entered the world of the internet and resource sharing

                                               * With a new president appointed shortly before I left, my advocacy, he told me, was instrumental

                                                     in the construction of a new library for the college (shown above), opened in 2004.











Dayton Memorial Library of Regis University

                                                * For 11 years, 2001 to 2012, I served as Dean of Libraries for a University having a very diverse student

                                                     population of about 15,000, offering 5, 8 and 13 week semesters. 

                                                 * It was a time when Regis was a leader in distance education, offering the largest online

                                                      MBA program in the United States.

                                                  * As a library our achievements included:

                                                                 ~ Moving acquisitions more heavily toward digital materials,

                                                                 ~ Creating digital library services such as animated online tutorials

                                                                 ~ Transforming the library into spaces for collaboration

                                                                 ~ Establishing the Center for Student Academic Success under library administration

                                                                 ~ Promoting and developing opportunities in scholarly communication

















Tutt Library of Colorado College

                                                * The College likes to regard itself as the premier residential liberal arts colleges of the Rock Mountain region

                                                * I have now served as Library Director for almost 4 years

                                                * My achievements include:

                                                            Promoting the development of open source library computing services

                                                            Shoring up and expanding our partnerships across the campus

                                                            Leading a $45 million building program that will see a transformed library and a transformed campus                                                          


II. Mission and Vision:

the Drivers

B.  Mission and Vision: What's the Difference?


            Mission:  Expresses the essential purpose and commitments of the University and Library. 

                               Basically what it does and why it is done. 


                Vision: Expresses the high-level, philosophical goals of the University and Library for the future.


                                                                    (Drawn from "Glossary of Educational Reform" published by

                                                                         the Great Schools Partnership)


C. Mission and Vision: A Perfect Harmony



                 The Case of Burke Library, Columbia Univesity, New York City




This leads to my assertion and commitment that the vision of the library must be in harmony with the mission of the University.


So let's get to some specifics....



















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